A Quolls Migration

By Rose Fatone
1 Review


This is a children’s book with an aim to make aware and have an understanding of our Australian native endangered species in a fun and adventurous way.

Created in a way that illustrates a true likeness to the animals and why they are on the list of endangered species, but I have written the book in a manner of fiction and non fiction taking the children through an adventure and reaching out to them so that they understand what is happening to the animals.

ISBN › N/A Book Category ›


Deep in a bush on the N.S.W. coast, lived a small family of Quolls.

They lived their life happily and unaware of the changes taking place in their surrounding habitat. When one day their life took a turn and they were faced with danger, adventure and finding a new home.

From Author Rose Fatone

This is a children’s book with an aim to make aware and have an understanding of our Australian native endangered species in a fun and adventurous way.

Created in a way that illustrates a true likeness to the animals and why they are on the list of endangered species, but I have written the book in a manner of fiction and non fiction taking the children through an adventure and reaching out to them so that they understand what is happening to the animals.

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Inspiring Publishers

1 review for A Quolls Migration

  1. Samantha Cole Guest Buyer

    Beautiful book, very well written & good to help teach children about the environment!

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