Clouds of Black

By Judith Dun
3 Reviews


John Bradshaw has pushed aside his abusive childhood to build a global empire. A year after marrying his beloved Elizabeth, a car accident sees her plunged into the dark cloud of coma. Johns’ devotion is unwavering, and they are gifted a miracle as Elizabeth finally wakes and they rebuild their bond of love.

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John Bradshaw has pushed aside his abusive childhood to build a global empire. A year after marrying his beloved Elizabeth, a car accident sees her plunged into the dark cloud of coma. Johns’ devotion is unwavering, and they are gifted a miracle as Elizabeth finally wakes and they rebuild their bond of love.

A sinister presence from John’s childhood, is unrelenting in his efforts to re-enter John’s life. Shane Olsen is masked in a veil of influence, but in truth he is a monster as Sydney is overshadowed by a growing number of brutal murders involving street kids.

An established Cyber hub funded by John assists law enforcement to decode the dark web, revealing the horror of international child abuse and murder. The danger to John’s family becomes more than empty threats as evil targets the very heart of his world. The perverted depth of a criminal empire is uncovered, but not soon enough, as a plan for revenge is put into action. The author Judith Dun has crafted a novel of suspense and horror. The plot is far from predictable, fast paced and full of complex characters who keep the reader completely off balance.

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Inspiring Publishers

3 reviews for Clouds of Black

  1. Tim Williams Guest Buyer

    What a great read I ripped through it while camping. The plot is unpredictable full of action and strong believable characters. A real page turner.

  2. Christine Andrews Guest Buyer

    I found the female characters intriguing. A family that is resilient in the face of unspeakable evil and pulls out all stops to protect themselves and defenceless children. The action is human, compelling, with a twist of Australian humour. The book comments on the fight against the criminality of child exploitation and domestic violence. I found it difficult to put down.

  3. Ross Porter Guest Buyer

    This is a seriously good thriller. Central characters are John Bradshaw, who rose from a background of violence and abuse to become a successful businessman and philanthropist, his wife Elizabeth, and professional criminal and psychopath Shane Olsen, who is bent on taking revenge on the Bradshaw family. The story moves at a cracking pace and has more twists and turns than a corkscrew. It incorporates love, murder and assorted mayhem, and full use of technology and trained operatives to find the perpetrators. What a mix. A highly recommended read.

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