The Adventures of Archie Salt

By Sarah Oliver
1 Review


Archie Salt lives on the Scottish Island of Dung, where life is as unpleasant as it sounds. Remote and battered by the unrelenting elements, very few leave the island and even less survive. Archie however, is destined for greater things. Archie becomes a sailor where he thrives, and eventually his knack for survival saves everyone on board when peril strikes. He rises through the ranks and when disaster strikes again, he meets an unlikely companion who changes his life forever.

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Archie Salt lives on the Scottish Island of Dung, where life is as unpleasant as it sounds. Remote and battered by the unrelenting elements, very few leave the island and even less survive. Archie however, is destined for greater things. Archie becomes a sailor where he thrives, and eventually his knack for survival saves everyone on board when peril strikes. He rises through the ranks and when disaster strikes again, he meets an unlikely companion who changes his life forever.

From poverty and hardship to opportunity, Archie finds himself at the forefront of new discoveries, falls in love and becomes entwined with powerful Scottish clans. Despite these changes, where he came from is never far from his mind.

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Inspiring Publishers

1 review for The Adventures of Archie Salt

  1. Katie Woolcock Guest Buyer

    The Adventures of Archie Salt certainly took me on a real adventure and left me feeling uplifted. It reassured me that anything is possible without ever forgetting where you have come from or the people who have believed in you along the way. It also took me to another period in history and had me wondering whatever happened to all those people who scratched a living on those inhospitable islands off Scotland—where are their descendants now? I enjoyed meeting the people who shaped the man who Archie became—his loyalty and love of family and friends won me over.

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